All There Is To Know About HCG Liquid Drops

Publié par Unknown dimanche 20 janvier 2013

By Shanna McNeil

Contemporary living has created a lot of pressure on the lives of ordinary citizens. Working more than twelve hours a day, being in school, travelling many miles and meeting strict deadlines barely gives us enough time to eat. As a result, the typical American has developed bad feeding habits that involve eating burgers, fries, carbonated drinks and other hazardous foods. Owing to the bad feeding, a large percentage of the people in modern developed countries, especially in cities, are obese. To tackle this problem, the market has launched hundreds of dieting options but none of them can match the HCG liquid drops.

The initials HCG stand for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone that is produced in the body in minute amounts. Nevertheless, the bodies of pregnant women produce large quantities of the hormone to provide for the needs of the fetus. Scientific research indicates that the hormone burns fat from the bodies of expectant women to provide food for the fetus.

This method of weight management has been around for more than sixty years and was first tried by a British doctor by the name Albert Simeon. He used the medicine to treat obesity in some of his patients and documented his results in Lancet, a well known medical journal. The hormone has to be used in line with a strict feeding plan that recommends not more than five hundred calories per day.

In modern times, the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone has gained massive popularity among dieters. Despite its lack of approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration, the drug has massive presence in the streets. The drug is administered by some quack clinics to help dieters deal with their weight problem. Other than that, it can be found online, in some retail drug stores and from oversees manufacturers.

There are several methods of taking the medicine, with the injection and oral methods being most prevalent. The injection method was most popular in past decades. The drug is administered voluntarily and personally by the dieter. However, for safety reasons the injected party must show up to the doctor for regular checkups. The dieter must inject themselves in the thigh of buttocks with a dose of the medication every day.

Even though the injection technique was highly prevalent in the past, its use is not advocated for by modern doctors. There are numerous risks associated with self injection such as breaking needles, clots in arteries or veins and the physical pain involved. As such, supervision for the dieter is deemed necessary when using this technique.

Other than use of injections, a better way to administer the drug is via oral drops. These are synthesized in the same way as the latter but are taken through the mouth without need for needles. To complement the drug, the dieter must maintain a meal plan that excludes alcohol, carbohydrates, sugar or fatty foods.

The HCG liquid drops are considered a reprieve for millions of individuals struggling with their weight. Other than the monetary limitations, the drug does offer observable weight changes. The dieter is able to lose a massive amount of weight in a short period and get motivated to start a new life.

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dimanche 20 janvier 2013

All There Is To Know About HCG Liquid Drops

Posted by Unknown 08:30, under | No comments

By Shanna McNeil

Contemporary living has created a lot of pressure on the lives of ordinary citizens. Working more than twelve hours a day, being in school, travelling many miles and meeting strict deadlines barely gives us enough time to eat. As a result, the typical American has developed bad feeding habits that involve eating burgers, fries, carbonated drinks and other hazardous foods. Owing to the bad feeding, a large percentage of the people in modern developed countries, especially in cities, are obese. To tackle this problem, the market has launched hundreds of dieting options but none of them can match the HCG liquid drops.

The initials HCG stand for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone that is produced in the body in minute amounts. Nevertheless, the bodies of pregnant women produce large quantities of the hormone to provide for the needs of the fetus. Scientific research indicates that the hormone burns fat from the bodies of expectant women to provide food for the fetus.

This method of weight management has been around for more than sixty years and was first tried by a British doctor by the name Albert Simeon. He used the medicine to treat obesity in some of his patients and documented his results in Lancet, a well known medical journal. The hormone has to be used in line with a strict feeding plan that recommends not more than five hundred calories per day.

In modern times, the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone has gained massive popularity among dieters. Despite its lack of approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration, the drug has massive presence in the streets. The drug is administered by some quack clinics to help dieters deal with their weight problem. Other than that, it can be found online, in some retail drug stores and from oversees manufacturers.

There are several methods of taking the medicine, with the injection and oral methods being most prevalent. The injection method was most popular in past decades. The drug is administered voluntarily and personally by the dieter. However, for safety reasons the injected party must show up to the doctor for regular checkups. The dieter must inject themselves in the thigh of buttocks with a dose of the medication every day.

Even though the injection technique was highly prevalent in the past, its use is not advocated for by modern doctors. There are numerous risks associated with self injection such as breaking needles, clots in arteries or veins and the physical pain involved. As such, supervision for the dieter is deemed necessary when using this technique.

Other than use of injections, a better way to administer the drug is via oral drops. These are synthesized in the same way as the latter but are taken through the mouth without need for needles. To complement the drug, the dieter must maintain a meal plan that excludes alcohol, carbohydrates, sugar or fatty foods.

The HCG liquid drops are considered a reprieve for millions of individuals struggling with their weight. Other than the monetary limitations, the drug does offer observable weight changes. The dieter is able to lose a massive amount of weight in a short period and get motivated to start a new life.

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