Detoxification - An Ancient Ritual Diet

Publié par Unknown samedi 19 janvier 2013

By Ron Stucky

For hundreds and hundreds of years, many people from a variety of cultures have been using cleansing diets. Detox diets have only become popular in this country for the last thirty years since people have started looking for alternative health remedies. There are certain types of people who should refrain from using a detoxification diet. People with serious medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and anemia should avoid this diet. Even though a colon cleanse diet has wonderful health advantages, it is something that pregnant women, or nursing ones should wait to do. Multitudes of people have tried detoxification diet programs, and have had great success, with no side effects. A colon cleanse is not something that you should just jump into without knowing all of the facts about the diet.

Adrenal weakness is a condition that is not widely recognized by traditional Western medicine, but is by holistic doctors. This condition has symptoms including low blood pressure and chronic exhaustion. This condition is believed to be caused by chronically high levels of stress. Many people are placed on a detox diet after being treated for adrenal weakness. They do this to help the body eliminate toxins and set the stage for higher energy levels.

Effects of the detox diet or the method of it could be uncomfortable at the very least.

Some of the side effects of an intense detox diet, or process, can be discomforting, to say the least.

People have used detox diets for years in unique shapes and civilizations. This is a different route medically and it does stir up arguments within organized Western medicine without a doubt. Always be certain to go slow and safe if you want to pursue this arena.

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samedi 19 janvier 2013

Detoxification - An Ancient Ritual Diet

Posted by Unknown 03:56, under | No comments

By Ron Stucky

For hundreds and hundreds of years, many people from a variety of cultures have been using cleansing diets. Detox diets have only become popular in this country for the last thirty years since people have started looking for alternative health remedies. There are certain types of people who should refrain from using a detoxification diet. People with serious medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and anemia should avoid this diet. Even though a colon cleanse diet has wonderful health advantages, it is something that pregnant women, or nursing ones should wait to do. Multitudes of people have tried detoxification diet programs, and have had great success, with no side effects. A colon cleanse is not something that you should just jump into without knowing all of the facts about the diet.

Adrenal weakness is a condition that is not widely recognized by traditional Western medicine, but is by holistic doctors. This condition has symptoms including low blood pressure and chronic exhaustion. This condition is believed to be caused by chronically high levels of stress. Many people are placed on a detox diet after being treated for adrenal weakness. They do this to help the body eliminate toxins and set the stage for higher energy levels.

Effects of the detox diet or the method of it could be uncomfortable at the very least.

Some of the side effects of an intense detox diet, or process, can be discomforting, to say the least.

People have used detox diets for years in unique shapes and civilizations. This is a different route medically and it does stir up arguments within organized Western medicine without a doubt. Always be certain to go slow and safe if you want to pursue this arena.

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