Act Now And Get This Hypercet Omega 3-6-9

Publié par Unknown jeudi 24 octobre 2013

By Tommie Locke

Wondering what on earth are all of these? Don't worry, this article will discuss all about Omega 3, 6 and 9 and help you understand them better.

This is what has happened with the Omega 3 and Omega 6 scientific story, especially as regards the Omega 3 and Omega 6 advice that people have been given.

The advice to consume foods and supplements that contain Omega 3's, and shun those that contain Omega 6's has been based on misinformation.

This advice came about because of a lack of knowledge about how these two polyunsaturated, essential fats work together, and because most people eating a modern diet get very little Omega 3's and more Omega 6's. These Omega polyunsaturated oils are unique, in that they contain Essential Fatty Acids.

They are called essential because the body cannot manufacture them, unlike the other fatty acids, monounsaturated and saturated oils, which the body can synthesize from carbohydrates.

The essential nature of Omega 6 and 3 oils was discovered in 1929, although researchers back then thought they were only important for growth and skin health and didn't realize the overall importance to all cells in the body and brain.

Omega 9 is not considered an essential fatty acid and does not require supplementation. However, a rich source of Omega 9 fatty acid is Olive oil which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

But only in the last decade has the importance of Omega 3 become very apparent. However forgetting about the role that Omega 6 plays in our health is a big mistake.

Essential fats are a critical component in every single cell membrane that covers every single one of our 60 trillion cells.

The essential fats have a unique structure, which allows them to perform specific functions within the cell membrane, whereas saturated and damaged fats cannot perform the same tasks.

Membranes are the working surfaces of all our cells, so if they are deficient in the right kinds of essential fats, they will be unable to function properly, and nutrients will be unable to get into the cells and toxins will be unable to leave.

Furthermore, fat is the second largest compound in our body, and makes up to 60% of the weight of our brain, with up to 30% of that 60% being made up of essential fatty acids.

The most important role of Omega 9 is preventing hardening of arteries and protecting against arteriosclerosis. They also help balancing blood sugar levels in the body and improve insulin resistance.

So, these essential fats are required in every single cell, otherwise your health will be compromised.

One of the foremost researchers in this field, Dr Udo Erasmus has found that the best ratio for overall health - both physically and mentally, is 2:1, in favour of Omega 3. This is because the Omega 3's are involved in very biological active organs, like the brain, the retina, the heart and reproductive organs, so they need to be available in greater quantities.

On top of that, 95% of people are seriously deficient in the Omega 3's, whereas they do still get Omega 6's, (even though most of them are damaged) so the ratio has to favour Omega 3. This ratio has been shown to be effective in most health conditions, where essential fats are deficient, or being taken in the wrong ratio.

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jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Act Now And Get This Hypercet Omega 3-6-9

Posted by Unknown 13:01, under | No comments

By Tommie Locke

Wondering what on earth are all of these? Don't worry, this article will discuss all about Omega 3, 6 and 9 and help you understand them better.

This is what has happened with the Omega 3 and Omega 6 scientific story, especially as regards the Omega 3 and Omega 6 advice that people have been given.

The advice to consume foods and supplements that contain Omega 3's, and shun those that contain Omega 6's has been based on misinformation.

This advice came about because of a lack of knowledge about how these two polyunsaturated, essential fats work together, and because most people eating a modern diet get very little Omega 3's and more Omega 6's. These Omega polyunsaturated oils are unique, in that they contain Essential Fatty Acids.

They are called essential because the body cannot manufacture them, unlike the other fatty acids, monounsaturated and saturated oils, which the body can synthesize from carbohydrates.

The essential nature of Omega 6 and 3 oils was discovered in 1929, although researchers back then thought they were only important for growth and skin health and didn't realize the overall importance to all cells in the body and brain.

Omega 9 is not considered an essential fatty acid and does not require supplementation. However, a rich source of Omega 9 fatty acid is Olive oil which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

But only in the last decade has the importance of Omega 3 become very apparent. However forgetting about the role that Omega 6 plays in our health is a big mistake.

Essential fats are a critical component in every single cell membrane that covers every single one of our 60 trillion cells.

The essential fats have a unique structure, which allows them to perform specific functions within the cell membrane, whereas saturated and damaged fats cannot perform the same tasks.

Membranes are the working surfaces of all our cells, so if they are deficient in the right kinds of essential fats, they will be unable to function properly, and nutrients will be unable to get into the cells and toxins will be unable to leave.

Furthermore, fat is the second largest compound in our body, and makes up to 60% of the weight of our brain, with up to 30% of that 60% being made up of essential fatty acids.

The most important role of Omega 9 is preventing hardening of arteries and protecting against arteriosclerosis. They also help balancing blood sugar levels in the body and improve insulin resistance.

So, these essential fats are required in every single cell, otherwise your health will be compromised.

One of the foremost researchers in this field, Dr Udo Erasmus has found that the best ratio for overall health - both physically and mentally, is 2:1, in favour of Omega 3. This is because the Omega 3's are involved in very biological active organs, like the brain, the retina, the heart and reproductive organs, so they need to be available in greater quantities.

On top of that, 95% of people are seriously deficient in the Omega 3's, whereas they do still get Omega 6's, (even though most of them are damaged) so the ratio has to favour Omega 3. This ratio has been shown to be effective in most health conditions, where essential fats are deficient, or being taken in the wrong ratio.

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