By Jeferson Tuyor

A Carthage Functional Neurology Chiropractor offers a nonsurgical method of spinal decompression to help resolve disc injuries in the neck. The option is safer than surgery and makes use of equipment approved by the FDA to apply force to the spine in a precise manner. As a result, many patients find several health problems caused by compression of the upper vertebrae to improve.

The equipment used in this therapy provides gentle stretches to the patient's neck followed by periods where it is allowed to relax. The process causes a vacuum inside the targeted discs. The vacuum has many benefits and may allow the injured area to begin to heal. Healing of such injured tissues is the key to diminishing one's pain.

The system is especially useful for herniated or bulging discs. By stretching the spine, the matter that had leaked from the center of the disc is drawn back to its normal position. The pressure is then relieved from the roots of nerves and symptoms, such as pain are reduced. While the change only occurs in microscopic increments, it adds together over a period of weeks to bring improvements in health and relieve associated symptoms.

The cycle of decompression and relaxation also causes fluids containing oxygen and nutrients to be drawn into the disc and waste material to be expelled. The nutrients provide raw materials for healing. As the disc heals, the bulging and other symptoms are relieved.

When the chiropractic doctor uses this type of therapy, the patient lies on his or her back. Soft rubber pads are placed behind the neck. Most find the therapy to be well tolerated and even quite comfortable. Some may nap as the special table connected to a computer does its work.

A Carthage Functional Neurology chiropractor makes available a nonsurgical type of spinal decompression therapy. The therapy has helped many patients with problems in their cervical spine. The care is gentle and helpful. It is a noninvasive way to restore one's body to health and vitality.

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samedi 11 janvier 2014

Carthage Functional Neurology Chiropractor Offers Spinal Decompression Therapy For Local Residents

Posted by Unknown 11:52, under | No comments

By Jeferson Tuyor

A Carthage Functional Neurology Chiropractor offers a nonsurgical method of spinal decompression to help resolve disc injuries in the neck. The option is safer than surgery and makes use of equipment approved by the FDA to apply force to the spine in a precise manner. As a result, many patients find several health problems caused by compression of the upper vertebrae to improve.

The equipment used in this therapy provides gentle stretches to the patient's neck followed by periods where it is allowed to relax. The process causes a vacuum inside the targeted discs. The vacuum has many benefits and may allow the injured area to begin to heal. Healing of such injured tissues is the key to diminishing one's pain.

The system is especially useful for herniated or bulging discs. By stretching the spine, the matter that had leaked from the center of the disc is drawn back to its normal position. The pressure is then relieved from the roots of nerves and symptoms, such as pain are reduced. While the change only occurs in microscopic increments, it adds together over a period of weeks to bring improvements in health and relieve associated symptoms.

The cycle of decompression and relaxation also causes fluids containing oxygen and nutrients to be drawn into the disc and waste material to be expelled. The nutrients provide raw materials for healing. As the disc heals, the bulging and other symptoms are relieved.

When the chiropractic doctor uses this type of therapy, the patient lies on his or her back. Soft rubber pads are placed behind the neck. Most find the therapy to be well tolerated and even quite comfortable. Some may nap as the special table connected to a computer does its work.

A Carthage Functional Neurology chiropractor makes available a nonsurgical type of spinal decompression therapy. The therapy has helped many patients with problems in their cervical spine. The care is gentle and helpful. It is a noninvasive way to restore one's body to health and vitality.

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