By Allyson Burke

Ever since their creation, vending machines have been a booming business venture that many entrepreneurs have pursued. When a person wants a snack and a drink, they can easily get that snack and drink for only a few dollars. Usually, a person will get a bag of potato chips, a candy bar, soda or other similar type items. Due to the health concerns of many people, there are now healthier vending machines available. When it comes to healthy vending Boston MA knows how to give those who want to stay healthy what they want.

The normal junk foods normally found in these machines do not offer any nutritional benefits to anyone. With a healthy machine, a person will be able to purchase items such as trail nuts, fruits and yogurt. Usually when someone wants a snack, it is to hold them over until they can have their next real meal. By getting nutritional snacks, a person will get the energy that they would not normally get with a regular machine.

There is no doubt that many people like the junk food that is found in normal vending machines. This is especially true when it comes to young people. There have even been studies done that have shown that the average person now consumes more soda pop than they do water. This is never a good thing as it can cause major health problems for these individuals when they grow older. By having healthy items available, those young people who want to eat healthy can now at least have a choice in the matter.

Schools have been advocates for healthier vending. This is partly due to the increase of obese children in the country. In many places, kids will no longer have a choice when it comes to their snack options. New rules have been set in many school districts to only have healthy options available for them.

A small minority do not think that this is going to make much of a difference in anything. Others believe that it will set a trend of good habits for kids that they will practice well into their adulthood. Good habits go a long way, as do bad habits. When a child sets a certain habit, most of the time it goes with them throughout their whole life.

The voices of schools have lead to many school districts taking away the junk food machines. The obesity problem of school aged children have been noticed for decades, and they felt that it was time for a change. Many schools no longer offer soda pop in their machines, instead, kids can get a bottle of water or a nutrient filled drink.

Many states have set guidelines on what can be served in their schools. For example, in certain states, a snack cannot have more than 30 grams of carbohydrates or 360 milligrams of sodium. The snack must also have at least 5 percent of beneficial vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, calcium or iron. Every state is different and a person would have to check up on their state rules to find out the specifics of their state.

The healthy vending Boston MA is implementing is certainly leading the country. In Massachusetts, there cannot be any artificial sweeteners or trans fat in any of the items. Any drink containing caffeine is also not allowed. Instead, drinks must be of 100 percent fruit juice to be in the machine. Also, water must be available to all students anytime they want it. They must not charge a fee for the water.

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vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Due To Healthy Vending Boston MA Kids Will Grow Up Healthier And More Active

Posted by Unknown 10:48, under | No comments

By Allyson Burke

Ever since their creation, vending machines have been a booming business venture that many entrepreneurs have pursued. When a person wants a snack and a drink, they can easily get that snack and drink for only a few dollars. Usually, a person will get a bag of potato chips, a candy bar, soda or other similar type items. Due to the health concerns of many people, there are now healthier vending machines available. When it comes to healthy vending Boston MA knows how to give those who want to stay healthy what they want.

The normal junk foods normally found in these machines do not offer any nutritional benefits to anyone. With a healthy machine, a person will be able to purchase items such as trail nuts, fruits and yogurt. Usually when someone wants a snack, it is to hold them over until they can have their next real meal. By getting nutritional snacks, a person will get the energy that they would not normally get with a regular machine.

There is no doubt that many people like the junk food that is found in normal vending machines. This is especially true when it comes to young people. There have even been studies done that have shown that the average person now consumes more soda pop than they do water. This is never a good thing as it can cause major health problems for these individuals when they grow older. By having healthy items available, those young people who want to eat healthy can now at least have a choice in the matter.

Schools have been advocates for healthier vending. This is partly due to the increase of obese children in the country. In many places, kids will no longer have a choice when it comes to their snack options. New rules have been set in many school districts to only have healthy options available for them.

A small minority do not think that this is going to make much of a difference in anything. Others believe that it will set a trend of good habits for kids that they will practice well into their adulthood. Good habits go a long way, as do bad habits. When a child sets a certain habit, most of the time it goes with them throughout their whole life.

The voices of schools have lead to many school districts taking away the junk food machines. The obesity problem of school aged children have been noticed for decades, and they felt that it was time for a change. Many schools no longer offer soda pop in their machines, instead, kids can get a bottle of water or a nutrient filled drink.

Many states have set guidelines on what can be served in their schools. For example, in certain states, a snack cannot have more than 30 grams of carbohydrates or 360 milligrams of sodium. The snack must also have at least 5 percent of beneficial vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, calcium or iron. Every state is different and a person would have to check up on their state rules to find out the specifics of their state.

The healthy vending Boston MA is implementing is certainly leading the country. In Massachusetts, there cannot be any artificial sweeteners or trans fat in any of the items. Any drink containing caffeine is also not allowed. Instead, drinks must be of 100 percent fruit juice to be in the machine. Also, water must be available to all students anytime they want it. They must not charge a fee for the water.

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