Foods To Avoid In Hypothyroidism - Avoid These 2 Goitrogenic Groups

Publié par Unknown vendredi 1 novembre 2013

By Scott McLeod

Have you heard the term "goitrogenic" or goitrogenic foods? These are foods or dietary components that induce stress and inflammation of the thyroid gland (goiter), thus inhibiting its proper function. Now, what is considered "goitrogenic" to people suffering from hypothyroidism, typically has no negative thyroid consequences to those not suffering from hypothyroidism. With that in mind, let's begin and address the two big dietary groups actually contributing to the worsening of your hypothyroidism.

Offender No. 1 - Soy

Despite clear evidence many hypothyroidism consultants continue to endorse diets that are high in soy. DO NOT listen to this uninformed advice and I will tell you why.

Soy components when consumed in the diet and enter the body are known to be estrogenic. This means that the body responds and reacts to them like estrogen. It mimics estrogen. Your body will try to adjust to elevated levels and subsequently cause hormonal imbalance. Aside from that estrogen inhibits the thyroid gland from from secreting thyroid hormone. Avoid the following: edamame, soy milk, tofu, soy burgers and other soy derived products. Staying away from soy based foods will enable a better functioning thyroid gland.

Offender No. 2 - Polyunsaturated Fats

Media exposure has been given to the body of research that shows such great benefits polyunsaturated fats can create by incorporating into your diet. This research ignores or is ignorant of just as much evidence demonstrating the catastrophic effects polyunsaturated fats can have on sufferers of hypothyroidism.

Polyunsaturated fats actually block the ability of the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone. They also block the transportation of thyroid hormone in circulation which doesn't allow it to be effectively distributed throughout the body. Not only that, these fats block your cells from being able to utilize thyroid hormone once they get it.

What foods are high in polyunsaturated fats and thus need to put on your no-no list? A lot of vegetable oils including soybean oil, safflower oil and then there's corn oil. Mayonnaise also happens to be high in these PUFs. Watch out for some seeds and nuts including flax seeds (and flax seed oil), sunflower seeds and walnuts. One last admonition, check your salad dressing because most are heavily comprised of high polyunsaturated fat culprit, soybean oil as well as others.

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vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Foods To Avoid In Hypothyroidism - Avoid These 2 Goitrogenic Groups

Posted by Unknown 12:07, under | No comments

By Scott McLeod

Have you heard the term "goitrogenic" or goitrogenic foods? These are foods or dietary components that induce stress and inflammation of the thyroid gland (goiter), thus inhibiting its proper function. Now, what is considered "goitrogenic" to people suffering from hypothyroidism, typically has no negative thyroid consequences to those not suffering from hypothyroidism. With that in mind, let's begin and address the two big dietary groups actually contributing to the worsening of your hypothyroidism.

Offender No. 1 - Soy

Despite clear evidence many hypothyroidism consultants continue to endorse diets that are high in soy. DO NOT listen to this uninformed advice and I will tell you why.

Soy components when consumed in the diet and enter the body are known to be estrogenic. This means that the body responds and reacts to them like estrogen. It mimics estrogen. Your body will try to adjust to elevated levels and subsequently cause hormonal imbalance. Aside from that estrogen inhibits the thyroid gland from from secreting thyroid hormone. Avoid the following: edamame, soy milk, tofu, soy burgers and other soy derived products. Staying away from soy based foods will enable a better functioning thyroid gland.

Offender No. 2 - Polyunsaturated Fats

Media exposure has been given to the body of research that shows such great benefits polyunsaturated fats can create by incorporating into your diet. This research ignores or is ignorant of just as much evidence demonstrating the catastrophic effects polyunsaturated fats can have on sufferers of hypothyroidism.

Polyunsaturated fats actually block the ability of the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone. They also block the transportation of thyroid hormone in circulation which doesn't allow it to be effectively distributed throughout the body. Not only that, these fats block your cells from being able to utilize thyroid hormone once they get it.

What foods are high in polyunsaturated fats and thus need to put on your no-no list? A lot of vegetable oils including soybean oil, safflower oil and then there's corn oil. Mayonnaise also happens to be high in these PUFs. Watch out for some seeds and nuts including flax seeds (and flax seed oil), sunflower seeds and walnuts. One last admonition, check your salad dressing because most are heavily comprised of high polyunsaturated fat culprit, soybean oil as well as others.

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