Medication Information On Clodronate Liposome

Publié par Unknown mardi 1 janvier 2013

By Kendra Ware

For you to know about the clodronate liposome therapy, you should know a little about cells in the body. Your liposomes are little vesicles found throughout the body that contain lipids and tiny water based areas. Macrophages are the basic cells of all immune systems in a human. The liposomes interact with macrophages to cause them to kill off intruders. They can be changed with medication to affect how the macrophage will work.

Clodronates are in a class of drugs called biophosphates. They can keep your bones from taking on the possibility of a secondary cancer. This is a cancer that comes from another primary site, and is a different kind of cancer than the primary that metastasized.

When secondary cancers attack the bone, it weakens the bone structure and takes away calcium and flushes it into the blood which is called hypercalcemia. It could make confusion, nausea and being irritated easily a new way of life. The clodronate helps eliminate this by keeping the calcium levels in the blood normal.

Two types of cells are found in healthy bones: osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Some types of cancer can create a new chemical in the body that makes your osteoclasts work too hard and causes the bones to get very weak. The clodronate goes in the areas where the higher activity levels of the osteoclasts are found and gives them a helping hand.

It then attacks the cells that are infected so that they will react like healthy cells, so the cancer is unable to spread into the other healthy cells. So the bones therefore keep their calcium and can stay strong so the cancer is completely fought off instead of becoming weak and allowing the cancer to get through the permeable walls. It could mean people with bone cancers could have this treatment and see major improvements so it should be brought up with your oncologist.

Pills are available to be taken up to twice daily without food. It should not be taken inside of a two hour window with any other medications or food of any kind including milk products. This could cause the drug to not fully be absorbed and therefore make it work at less than an optimal level in the blood.

Side effects have been seen with this and include hypocalcemia or low calcium levels in the blood, diarrhea and nausea. It could also cause tingling in the tongue or lips also. Your kidney function could be changed, and a condition called osteonecrosis has occurred. This means the healthy places in your jaw and mouth could become damaged and die off. To keep this from happening, have a dental check up and keep up with daily care of the area as well as telling your dentist about your new medication.

The clodronate liposome therapy is also called by other drug names. Your physician can go into more detail about how it works and how long you could take the therapy, and this will be based on your condition. Some people will not be able to take the medication. You should speak with your doctor about if this drug could be right for you.

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mardi 1 janvier 2013

Medication Information On Clodronate Liposome

Posted by Unknown 08:48, under | No comments

By Kendra Ware

For you to know about the clodronate liposome therapy, you should know a little about cells in the body. Your liposomes are little vesicles found throughout the body that contain lipids and tiny water based areas. Macrophages are the basic cells of all immune systems in a human. The liposomes interact with macrophages to cause them to kill off intruders. They can be changed with medication to affect how the macrophage will work.

Clodronates are in a class of drugs called biophosphates. They can keep your bones from taking on the possibility of a secondary cancer. This is a cancer that comes from another primary site, and is a different kind of cancer than the primary that metastasized.

When secondary cancers attack the bone, it weakens the bone structure and takes away calcium and flushes it into the blood which is called hypercalcemia. It could make confusion, nausea and being irritated easily a new way of life. The clodronate helps eliminate this by keeping the calcium levels in the blood normal.

Two types of cells are found in healthy bones: osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Some types of cancer can create a new chemical in the body that makes your osteoclasts work too hard and causes the bones to get very weak. The clodronate goes in the areas where the higher activity levels of the osteoclasts are found and gives them a helping hand.

It then attacks the cells that are infected so that they will react like healthy cells, so the cancer is unable to spread into the other healthy cells. So the bones therefore keep their calcium and can stay strong so the cancer is completely fought off instead of becoming weak and allowing the cancer to get through the permeable walls. It could mean people with bone cancers could have this treatment and see major improvements so it should be brought up with your oncologist.

Pills are available to be taken up to twice daily without food. It should not be taken inside of a two hour window with any other medications or food of any kind including milk products. This could cause the drug to not fully be absorbed and therefore make it work at less than an optimal level in the blood.

Side effects have been seen with this and include hypocalcemia or low calcium levels in the blood, diarrhea and nausea. It could also cause tingling in the tongue or lips also. Your kidney function could be changed, and a condition called osteonecrosis has occurred. This means the healthy places in your jaw and mouth could become damaged and die off. To keep this from happening, have a dental check up and keep up with daily care of the area as well as telling your dentist about your new medication.

The clodronate liposome therapy is also called by other drug names. Your physician can go into more detail about how it works and how long you could take the therapy, and this will be based on your condition. Some people will not be able to take the medication. You should speak with your doctor about if this drug could be right for you.

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