Nutritional Treats With Worcester Healthy Vending

Publié par Unknown mardi 1 janvier 2013

By Kendra Ware

Worcester healthy vending machines are taking the market place by storm. World statistics show that there are more than 1 billion over weight adults. 300 million of these adults are clinically obese. Being obese and overweight poses a major threat with regard to the health of the individual.

A further statistic shows that over 522,523,085 people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disease. Being an obese person poses threats on the health of a person. These include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and among others. More serious forms resulting from this condition are certain forms of cancer.

The body naturally utilizes naturally occurring products. Excess sugar contained in chocolates and candy are utilized by the body and does leave one feeling uplifted. This boost of energy is short lived however. Other energy drinks can become a problem to a the health of a person because of the fact they are geared to give one an unnatural high.

This health food vending company have gone to great lengths to keep inline with producing environmentally friendly vending machines. Their vending machines, for example, run off as little as 5.7 kilowatts of electricity. Not only are they energy saving but they are built with state of the art computer software that report back to a central data base so that the machine can be replenished when stocks run low.

As alluded to, foodstuffs and drinks are kept fresh at an optimum temperature within the machine itself. Drinks such as the Stonyfield super smoothie are kept cool within the housing itself and dispensed when paid for. This drink is packaged in a 10 ounce packaging and makes for the perfect sized drink.

The ingredients listed on the packaging and found on the Internet by searching for them show that liquids such as these are geared to optimizing healthy living. A list of nutritional facts can be found, giving the consumer important facts about its contents. Figures such as the amount of calories in one serving, the amount of calories from fat and a total fat value, give the consumer important information that they can document on a daily basis in order to keep track of their fat consumption.

The emphasis of these products is educations based. Vending machines such as these are placed within places of education such as schools, colleges, hospitals and clinics. The reason for this is to promote an awareness of healthier eating and to make available, products that will enhance a better lifestyle.

A list of the ingredients are listed on the Internet and on the product packaging. These amounts include numbers such as fat content, fiber content and other calorie counts. Most of the products are produced in environmentally friendly containers that are packaged to be consumed for one serving.

Worcester healthy vending machines can be found within schools and hospitals alike. Machines are located at easily accessible access points within buildings and cafeterias. Their aim and motivation is to produce an awareness and educate its users in better eating habits. They offer a more healthy alternative to snack on during the day as opposed to drinking and eating other foodstuffs which are energy diminishing.

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mardi 1 janvier 2013

Nutritional Treats With Worcester Healthy Vending

Posted by Unknown 10:48, under | No comments

By Kendra Ware

Worcester healthy vending machines are taking the market place by storm. World statistics show that there are more than 1 billion over weight adults. 300 million of these adults are clinically obese. Being obese and overweight poses a major threat with regard to the health of the individual.

A further statistic shows that over 522,523,085 people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disease. Being an obese person poses threats on the health of a person. These include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and among others. More serious forms resulting from this condition are certain forms of cancer.

The body naturally utilizes naturally occurring products. Excess sugar contained in chocolates and candy are utilized by the body and does leave one feeling uplifted. This boost of energy is short lived however. Other energy drinks can become a problem to a the health of a person because of the fact they are geared to give one an unnatural high.

This health food vending company have gone to great lengths to keep inline with producing environmentally friendly vending machines. Their vending machines, for example, run off as little as 5.7 kilowatts of electricity. Not only are they energy saving but they are built with state of the art computer software that report back to a central data base so that the machine can be replenished when stocks run low.

As alluded to, foodstuffs and drinks are kept fresh at an optimum temperature within the machine itself. Drinks such as the Stonyfield super smoothie are kept cool within the housing itself and dispensed when paid for. This drink is packaged in a 10 ounce packaging and makes for the perfect sized drink.

The ingredients listed on the packaging and found on the Internet by searching for them show that liquids such as these are geared to optimizing healthy living. A list of nutritional facts can be found, giving the consumer important facts about its contents. Figures such as the amount of calories in one serving, the amount of calories from fat and a total fat value, give the consumer important information that they can document on a daily basis in order to keep track of their fat consumption.

The emphasis of these products is educations based. Vending machines such as these are placed within places of education such as schools, colleges, hospitals and clinics. The reason for this is to promote an awareness of healthier eating and to make available, products that will enhance a better lifestyle.

A list of the ingredients are listed on the Internet and on the product packaging. These amounts include numbers such as fat content, fiber content and other calorie counts. Most of the products are produced in environmentally friendly containers that are packaged to be consumed for one serving.

Worcester healthy vending machines can be found within schools and hospitals alike. Machines are located at easily accessible access points within buildings and cafeterias. Their aim and motivation is to produce an awareness and educate its users in better eating habits. They offer a more healthy alternative to snack on during the day as opposed to drinking and eating other foodstuffs which are energy diminishing.

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