By Lonnie Knop

Struggling with your plans for dinner? No worries, there are many others like you out there who are going through the same thing. It might be that you're just too tired after a long day and the mere thought of having to go through the arduous process of cooking up a nice dinner is overwhelming. You might very well resort to fast food or takeout, but this isn't a good idea for the long term.

The internet is full of 15 minute meal ideas that are fast and easy and eliminate the need for fast food while providing a delicious and healthy option. Many of these recipes used boneless skinless chicken breast. When this meat is cut into bite sized pieces or pounded thin, it can be fully cooked within 10 minutes. This can be the base for a dish that your family will rave about, and that you will be grateful for.

Boneless pork chops can also be a fast protein choice that can be prepared in a simple way for exceptional results. These thin cuts can be placed in a marinade and then cooked in a small amount of olive oil, and they are ready in 10 minutes or less. Add some minute rice and a fresh salad that is made in minutes and you will have a complete dinner with a minimum of time and effort.

For a special dinner meal, you should cook up a quick marinated steak with some salad at the side. And yes, this can be done within a mere 15 minutes. Of course, you would have to marinate the steak in advance, but that can be done quickly either the night before or in the morning before you leave for work. When it is well marinated and sauteed, the flavor will just be tremendous. As for the salad, use lettuce as the main element with some walnuts and dried cherries for a great blend of taste. Slice the steak into thin slices and place them on your salad. Finally, sprinkle some cheese (bleu or parmesan are good choices) on the top for a perfect finish!

No matter what you have on hand you can come up with a healthy menu that is quick and delicious. Avoid the urge to get take out food or head to the local drive through! You can make a fabulous meal that is tasty in less time than it would take for your order to arrive in most cases, and the nutritional and health benefits that you get make this a great option to choose on even the busiest days.

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vendredi 1 mars 2013

Forget Take Outs: 15 Minutes Healthy Dinners Are The Newest Trend

Posted by Unknown 05:57, under | No comments

By Lonnie Knop

Struggling with your plans for dinner? No worries, there are many others like you out there who are going through the same thing. It might be that you're just too tired after a long day and the mere thought of having to go through the arduous process of cooking up a nice dinner is overwhelming. You might very well resort to fast food or takeout, but this isn't a good idea for the long term.

The internet is full of 15 minute meal ideas that are fast and easy and eliminate the need for fast food while providing a delicious and healthy option. Many of these recipes used boneless skinless chicken breast. When this meat is cut into bite sized pieces or pounded thin, it can be fully cooked within 10 minutes. This can be the base for a dish that your family will rave about, and that you will be grateful for.

Boneless pork chops can also be a fast protein choice that can be prepared in a simple way for exceptional results. These thin cuts can be placed in a marinade and then cooked in a small amount of olive oil, and they are ready in 10 minutes or less. Add some minute rice and a fresh salad that is made in minutes and you will have a complete dinner with a minimum of time and effort.

For a special dinner meal, you should cook up a quick marinated steak with some salad at the side. And yes, this can be done within a mere 15 minutes. Of course, you would have to marinate the steak in advance, but that can be done quickly either the night before or in the morning before you leave for work. When it is well marinated and sauteed, the flavor will just be tremendous. As for the salad, use lettuce as the main element with some walnuts and dried cherries for a great blend of taste. Slice the steak into thin slices and place them on your salad. Finally, sprinkle some cheese (bleu or parmesan are good choices) on the top for a perfect finish!

No matter what you have on hand you can come up with a healthy menu that is quick and delicious. Avoid the urge to get take out food or head to the local drive through! You can make a fabulous meal that is tasty in less time than it would take for your order to arrive in most cases, and the nutritional and health benefits that you get make this a great option to choose on even the busiest days.

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