A Quick Look At HCG Drops For Weight Loss

Publié par Unknown vendredi 18 janvier 2013

By Annabelle Newton

Individuals who like to shed off excess pounds faster have plenty of orally taken products to choose from. These days, HCG drops for weight loss are making waves. The attention it is getting doesn't come as a surprise, especially when it is said that 1-2 pounds may be lost daily. Read on if you want to know more information about this innovative solution.

The intake of a certain type of hormone can be said as the core of this diet method. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG for short, is a natural chemical found in the body of pregnant women. Produced by the placenta, it ends up being sold at pharmacies and online in to ways. It may be cultured in the lab or extracted from the urine of women in the family way.

Men who like to get in shape with the help of this solution need not worry. Even if the said chemical is known to be produced by a woman's body, they may also take advantage of it and get favorable results. It is taken orally, in particular placed under the tongue. Blood vessels available in it allows for the rapid absorption of the hormone.

Using the hormone to promote quick reduction of weight is not entirely new. The fact is this method was designed and published way back in the 1950's by a British doctor named A. T. W. Simeons. Human chorionic gonadotropin plays an important role in the rapidly growing fetus inside a pregnant woman's body. It effectively converts stored fat into energy for the fetus' use.

When taken by a person who is trying to slim down, the same effect is enjoyed. The acceleration of the metabolism causes stored fat cells to be turned into fuel or calories rapidly. Because of this, many are going for this very promising solution. Considering the amount of pounds one may be able to lose per day, results may be attained faster.

But this diet method doesn't come without a catch. A dieter must stay within the allowable caloric intake which amounts to 500 only. A lot of people have a hard time shedding off excess pounds as they cannot stay away from food. Luckily, human chorionic gonadotropin is capable of suppressing the appetite. This allows a person to easily avoid food, most especially those that contribute to weight gain.

If the consumption of these drops is not involved, 500 calories per day sure sounds ridiculous. Fatigue, weakness, irritability, hunger, reduced metabolism and inability to think clearly are some of the symptoms produced. But with the use of the hormone, none of these things may be encountered. A dieter will in fact feel energetic because fat cells are being converted into fuel. Further, fat in the abdomen, inner arms, thighs and buttocks are said to be the ones targeted.

Find a local doctor who prescribes the use of HCG drops for weight loss. It's important that a good plan is also provided to you. Many of these products can be found in cyberspace, sold even without a prescription. Be careful when you intend to buy on the web. Get your supply from a trustworthy manufacturer and seller to avoid being ripped off.

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vendredi 18 janvier 2013

A Quick Look At HCG Drops For Weight Loss

Posted by Unknown 12:47, under | No comments

By Annabelle Newton

Individuals who like to shed off excess pounds faster have plenty of orally taken products to choose from. These days, HCG drops for weight loss are making waves. The attention it is getting doesn't come as a surprise, especially when it is said that 1-2 pounds may be lost daily. Read on if you want to know more information about this innovative solution.

The intake of a certain type of hormone can be said as the core of this diet method. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG for short, is a natural chemical found in the body of pregnant women. Produced by the placenta, it ends up being sold at pharmacies and online in to ways. It may be cultured in the lab or extracted from the urine of women in the family way.

Men who like to get in shape with the help of this solution need not worry. Even if the said chemical is known to be produced by a woman's body, they may also take advantage of it and get favorable results. It is taken orally, in particular placed under the tongue. Blood vessels available in it allows for the rapid absorption of the hormone.

Using the hormone to promote quick reduction of weight is not entirely new. The fact is this method was designed and published way back in the 1950's by a British doctor named A. T. W. Simeons. Human chorionic gonadotropin plays an important role in the rapidly growing fetus inside a pregnant woman's body. It effectively converts stored fat into energy for the fetus' use.

When taken by a person who is trying to slim down, the same effect is enjoyed. The acceleration of the metabolism causes stored fat cells to be turned into fuel or calories rapidly. Because of this, many are going for this very promising solution. Considering the amount of pounds one may be able to lose per day, results may be attained faster.

But this diet method doesn't come without a catch. A dieter must stay within the allowable caloric intake which amounts to 500 only. A lot of people have a hard time shedding off excess pounds as they cannot stay away from food. Luckily, human chorionic gonadotropin is capable of suppressing the appetite. This allows a person to easily avoid food, most especially those that contribute to weight gain.

If the consumption of these drops is not involved, 500 calories per day sure sounds ridiculous. Fatigue, weakness, irritability, hunger, reduced metabolism and inability to think clearly are some of the symptoms produced. But with the use of the hormone, none of these things may be encountered. A dieter will in fact feel energetic because fat cells are being converted into fuel. Further, fat in the abdomen, inner arms, thighs and buttocks are said to be the ones targeted.

Find a local doctor who prescribes the use of HCG drops for weight loss. It's important that a good plan is also provided to you. Many of these products can be found in cyberspace, sold even without a prescription. Be careful when you intend to buy on the web. Get your supply from a trustworthy manufacturer and seller to avoid being ripped off.

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