The Hemp Seed Health Benefits

Publié par Unknown jeudi 17 janvier 2013

By Tameka Ware

There are many hemp seed health benefits that are worth noting if you are interested in staying fit. Hemp is a form of cannabis sativa that lacks the levels of THC in marijuana, so is unable to produce a high when ingested. What it can do, however, is supplying your body with huge amounts of omega 3, omega 6, vitamins, calcium, sodium and all kinds of other hugely beneficial elements.

What they mainly contain is fatty acids that help reduce the negative effects of much of the modern lifestyle. For example, these acids lower cholesterol by breaking down the build-up of plaque around the heart. This means arteries unclog and the risk of heart disease is hugely reduce for those who ingest the seeds on a regular basis.

It also makes for a healthier mind, for the same reason as it makes for a healthier heart. Those same fatty acids are great for improving memory, mood and alleviating stress when eaten regularly. Many experts assert that, as well as helping to cure anxiety, hemp seeds will also prevent diseases and conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's from developing.

They also contain lots of good stuff for the outside of the body too. Skin, in particular, can be benefited by a daily application of oil from the seeds. This oil helps cell growth and the reparation of dead or damaged skin and is now being incorporated into many shower gels and body lotions. Regularly applying the oil can help relieve skin conditions like eczema.

Those looking to lose weight could also gain much from adding the seeds to their diet. They have powerful natural abilities to supress appetite meaning those who eat them regularly can stave off hunger for longer. The energy they possess is also helpful for adding minutes to your time on the treadmill or in the pool if you are exercising.

They are also a good source of fiber. This means people with digestive problems find adding them to their diet can help clear them out. So, as well as helping you stay in shape they can also alleviate problems like constipation.

Another incredible benefit is the huge amount of antioxidants that the seeds possess. This means they can be used to prevent colon cancer and breast cancer. For diabetics these seeds are a really great addition to their daily food intake. The healthy fats that they contain are great for absorbing glucose and converting it into energy in your system. This then lowers the sweet cravings and heightens your energy levels.

The big question is how you incorporate them into your body and start feeling those hemp seed health benefits. The easiest thing to do is just eat the seeds raw - sprinkled on cereal or dropped into a smoothie, perhaps. At the more creative end are things like granola made from hemp, which is available and some health shops. It is also now becoming more common to find milk made from hemp. As well as being really good for you, this is also dairy free meaning it is can be drank by coeliacs.

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jeudi 17 janvier 2013

The Hemp Seed Health Benefits

Posted by Unknown 13:05, under | No comments

By Tameka Ware

There are many hemp seed health benefits that are worth noting if you are interested in staying fit. Hemp is a form of cannabis sativa that lacks the levels of THC in marijuana, so is unable to produce a high when ingested. What it can do, however, is supplying your body with huge amounts of omega 3, omega 6, vitamins, calcium, sodium and all kinds of other hugely beneficial elements.

What they mainly contain is fatty acids that help reduce the negative effects of much of the modern lifestyle. For example, these acids lower cholesterol by breaking down the build-up of plaque around the heart. This means arteries unclog and the risk of heart disease is hugely reduce for those who ingest the seeds on a regular basis.

It also makes for a healthier mind, for the same reason as it makes for a healthier heart. Those same fatty acids are great for improving memory, mood and alleviating stress when eaten regularly. Many experts assert that, as well as helping to cure anxiety, hemp seeds will also prevent diseases and conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's from developing.

They also contain lots of good stuff for the outside of the body too. Skin, in particular, can be benefited by a daily application of oil from the seeds. This oil helps cell growth and the reparation of dead or damaged skin and is now being incorporated into many shower gels and body lotions. Regularly applying the oil can help relieve skin conditions like eczema.

Those looking to lose weight could also gain much from adding the seeds to their diet. They have powerful natural abilities to supress appetite meaning those who eat them regularly can stave off hunger for longer. The energy they possess is also helpful for adding minutes to your time on the treadmill or in the pool if you are exercising.

They are also a good source of fiber. This means people with digestive problems find adding them to their diet can help clear them out. So, as well as helping you stay in shape they can also alleviate problems like constipation.

Another incredible benefit is the huge amount of antioxidants that the seeds possess. This means they can be used to prevent colon cancer and breast cancer. For diabetics these seeds are a really great addition to their daily food intake. The healthy fats that they contain are great for absorbing glucose and converting it into energy in your system. This then lowers the sweet cravings and heightens your energy levels.

The big question is how you incorporate them into your body and start feeling those hemp seed health benefits. The easiest thing to do is just eat the seeds raw - sprinkled on cereal or dropped into a smoothie, perhaps. At the more creative end are things like granola made from hemp, which is available and some health shops. It is also now becoming more common to find milk made from hemp. As well as being really good for you, this is also dairy free meaning it is can be drank by coeliacs.

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