The Submission Game of Daniel Bryan & Kettlebells

Publié par Unknown mercredi 20 mars 2013

By Rob Sutter

If you want to talk about submission holds and how certain wrestlers lock them in, Daniel Bryan may be the most powerful one to note. It almost feels like the scrappy contender can cinch in a move from just about any spot, which is astounding. The game can change at the drop of a hat thanks to his ability to lock in different holds and I don't think many people can say differently on the matter. Can kettlebells work to help Bryan further still?

Even though the LeBell Lock stands as Bryan's finishing move, there are others which he's able to use in order to take down foes. For instance, the guillotine choke is able to bring down an adversary of any size and once the clutch is tight, very few people manage to break out of it. In addition, his technical artistry is second to none, able to hold his own with just about anyone, no matter of how long they've been in wrestling. His skills lie mostly in wrestling, which he is great at.

However, what happens if he needs to add a bit more strength to his moves? I don't know how known Bryan may be in terms of strength, which is why I recommend kettlebells are put into effect. They can help the body as a whole, of course, but the idea of strength-building is something which I believe can be attributed to any and all weights. Authorities on the matter like Lorna will be able to tell you just how invaluable they are compared to standard free weights.

Bryan, as a professional wrestler, finds himself on the road on a constant basis, which means that these weights can actually be very handy. They have proven themselves to be compact and that means it's easy for them to be brought from place to place. He can easily work out on the road as he would if he was staying at home. This is another feature of the weights which makes them recommended for just about everyone in this line of work.

In order to make his game even more deadly, I don't know if Bryan can make a better choice than kettlebells. Submission maneuvers are all part of his offense and if he's not able to implement them with the utmost efficacy, his matches are about as good as lost. I think that the added amount of strength and flexibleness can only help him to lock in moves better. Who's to say that he can't win matches at a quicker pace in the process, either?

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mercredi 20 mars 2013

The Submission Game of Daniel Bryan & Kettlebells

Posted by Unknown 13:52, under | No comments

By Rob Sutter

If you want to talk about submission holds and how certain wrestlers lock them in, Daniel Bryan may be the most powerful one to note. It almost feels like the scrappy contender can cinch in a move from just about any spot, which is astounding. The game can change at the drop of a hat thanks to his ability to lock in different holds and I don't think many people can say differently on the matter. Can kettlebells work to help Bryan further still?

Even though the LeBell Lock stands as Bryan's finishing move, there are others which he's able to use in order to take down foes. For instance, the guillotine choke is able to bring down an adversary of any size and once the clutch is tight, very few people manage to break out of it. In addition, his technical artistry is second to none, able to hold his own with just about anyone, no matter of how long they've been in wrestling. His skills lie mostly in wrestling, which he is great at.

However, what happens if he needs to add a bit more strength to his moves? I don't know how known Bryan may be in terms of strength, which is why I recommend kettlebells are put into effect. They can help the body as a whole, of course, but the idea of strength-building is something which I believe can be attributed to any and all weights. Authorities on the matter like Lorna will be able to tell you just how invaluable they are compared to standard free weights.

Bryan, as a professional wrestler, finds himself on the road on a constant basis, which means that these weights can actually be very handy. They have proven themselves to be compact and that means it's easy for them to be brought from place to place. He can easily work out on the road as he would if he was staying at home. This is another feature of the weights which makes them recommended for just about everyone in this line of work.

In order to make his game even more deadly, I don't know if Bryan can make a better choice than kettlebells. Submission maneuvers are all part of his offense and if he's not able to implement them with the utmost efficacy, his matches are about as good as lost. I think that the added amount of strength and flexibleness can only help him to lock in moves better. Who's to say that he can't win matches at a quicker pace in the process, either?

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