An Analysis On The Use Of Liquid HCG Diet

Publié par Unknown lundi 21 janvier 2013

By Claudine MacDonald

Use of liquid hCG diet is rapidly becoming a method of choice for people in need of losing some weight. Discovered about three decades ago, this method was at first looked down upon to be inferior to the use of injections until just recently when it was shown to be as equally effective. There has been an increase in shifting of preference to the liquid and oral form because it is convenient to use and less painful.

Human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone which is abbreviated as hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy and excreted through urine from which it can be measured. The blood levels of this hormone usually increase for about 12 weeks after which they fall therefore becoming a reliable pregnancy test especially in the early days. The levels of this hormone in blood can also provide an assessment of risk of birth defects.

Among the many functions it may have, one important one is to ensure that the developing fetus is able to get enough calories of nutrients that is needed to be able to grow irrespective of the daily maternal intake. Through acting on the hypothalamus in the brain, the hormone stimulates breaking down of abnormal fat deposits found around the hips, abdomen or upper arms among other areas.

With fat being broken down and a supplementary very low calorie intake, the ultimate result is loose of body weight. In addition, because only abnormal fats are being destroyed, the body is reshaped back to a good shape with only fat that is needed being left therefore achieving two purposes.

The liquid formulation is available in two parts; there is a liquid serum and a hormone powder. This powder form must therefore be mixed with the serum form for the therapy to be effective and bring the desired effects. Currently there are other preparations that do not require mixing of the two parts but they are relatively expensive.

The liquid formulation is similar to that of the injection in achieving their function. The recommendation is to take 4 drops per day using the sublingual route where the drops are place under the tongue where absorption is highest. It is taken for 21 continuous days and is estimated that around one pound of body weight will be lost. It is usually supported by a 500 calorie diet for best results.

This method is much easier to use both for the administrator and the user. There is no need for needles and expertise of delivery and the process is less painful. The dosage can also easily be divided into a morning 2 drop treatment and then another 2 drops to complete the 4 daily drops in the evening.

Generally the cost of liquid hCG diet tends to be lower unlike injections. The side effected associated to it are also fewer, there are no muscle cramps or after injection pains. Finally the use of liquid forms does not require prescription from medical profession and can be easily self administered by the person using it.

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lundi 21 janvier 2013

An Analysis On The Use Of Liquid HCG Diet

Posted by Unknown 13:15, under | No comments

By Claudine MacDonald

Use of liquid hCG diet is rapidly becoming a method of choice for people in need of losing some weight. Discovered about three decades ago, this method was at first looked down upon to be inferior to the use of injections until just recently when it was shown to be as equally effective. There has been an increase in shifting of preference to the liquid and oral form because it is convenient to use and less painful.

Human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone which is abbreviated as hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy and excreted through urine from which it can be measured. The blood levels of this hormone usually increase for about 12 weeks after which they fall therefore becoming a reliable pregnancy test especially in the early days. The levels of this hormone in blood can also provide an assessment of risk of birth defects.

Among the many functions it may have, one important one is to ensure that the developing fetus is able to get enough calories of nutrients that is needed to be able to grow irrespective of the daily maternal intake. Through acting on the hypothalamus in the brain, the hormone stimulates breaking down of abnormal fat deposits found around the hips, abdomen or upper arms among other areas.

With fat being broken down and a supplementary very low calorie intake, the ultimate result is loose of body weight. In addition, because only abnormal fats are being destroyed, the body is reshaped back to a good shape with only fat that is needed being left therefore achieving two purposes.

The liquid formulation is available in two parts; there is a liquid serum and a hormone powder. This powder form must therefore be mixed with the serum form for the therapy to be effective and bring the desired effects. Currently there are other preparations that do not require mixing of the two parts but they are relatively expensive.

The liquid formulation is similar to that of the injection in achieving their function. The recommendation is to take 4 drops per day using the sublingual route where the drops are place under the tongue where absorption is highest. It is taken for 21 continuous days and is estimated that around one pound of body weight will be lost. It is usually supported by a 500 calorie diet for best results.

This method is much easier to use both for the administrator and the user. There is no need for needles and expertise of delivery and the process is less painful. The dosage can also easily be divided into a morning 2 drop treatment and then another 2 drops to complete the 4 daily drops in the evening.

Generally the cost of liquid hCG diet tends to be lower unlike injections. The side effected associated to it are also fewer, there are no muscle cramps or after injection pains. Finally the use of liquid forms does not require prescription from medical profession and can be easily self administered by the person using it.

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