Consumers Should Buy Real HCG Products

Publié par Unknown lundi 21 janvier 2013

By Claudine MacDonald

The hCG diet has become increasingly popular over the past decade as a weight reduction program. The letters stand for the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which is a substance manufactured in generous amounts by women who are pregnant. The hCG diet features extreme calorie restriction, and those following the program must use the aforementioned hormone as a supplement, which is administered orally or by injection. Consumers should buy real hCG products, because this way they are assured of obtaining the actual hormone, rather than just a brand that uses the phrase in their ads.

Those who follow the hCG diet are usually directed to restrict their calories to as few as 450 each day. This exceptional reduction in food intake would typically be considered dangerous; however, proponents of such programs claim that when the dieter takes the hCG supplement, his or her body will utilize stored fat to replace the missing calories.

Before the turn-of-the-century, the only option a dieter had who wanted to follow the hCG program was injections. Although the latter are still used, most people now prefer to take the hormone orally. This is usually done through the use of drops that are placed under the dieter's tongue, from where they are quickly absorbed into the person's bloodstream.

Although virtually all diets have their negative side, hCG programs are not typically risky, as long as the dieter does not follow the plan longer than two weeks. Studies also show that individuals who use drops, rather than injections, have no side effects from the hormone. In addition, the injection method is more costly than the drops in most cases.

Following the program exactly as it is written is very important, regardless of the dieter's objectives. It is never wise to cut calories to 400-500 per day for an extended period of time, or slash calories to that extent without taking the aforementioned supplement. Most experts also recommend consuming a broad range multivitamin when following the diet.

There are numerous hCG programs available from which consumers can choose. Most follow a similar outline, and as one would suspect, they all feature the hormone supplement. Numerous plans include a toll-free number for consumers to call who are concerned about the program or have questions about how to follow it appropriately. Each customer should complete some comparison shopping prior to buying such a diet plan.

All weight loss plans are associated with some side effects. This is why those considering starting a new diet program should first consult their family physician to determine whether or not this is wise. This is especially true for those who suffer from specific health problems.

Additionally, it is never wise to take a dietary supplement unless it is purchased from a reputable source. This is why it is important to buy real hCG supplements from a reliable merchant. Finally, those who experience serious or unusual side effects should immediately cease participation in the diet, stop taking the supplement, and acquire medical advice.

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lundi 21 janvier 2013

Consumers Should Buy Real HCG Products

Posted by Unknown 13:04, under | No comments

By Claudine MacDonald

The hCG diet has become increasingly popular over the past decade as a weight reduction program. The letters stand for the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which is a substance manufactured in generous amounts by women who are pregnant. The hCG diet features extreme calorie restriction, and those following the program must use the aforementioned hormone as a supplement, which is administered orally or by injection. Consumers should buy real hCG products, because this way they are assured of obtaining the actual hormone, rather than just a brand that uses the phrase in their ads.

Those who follow the hCG diet are usually directed to restrict their calories to as few as 450 each day. This exceptional reduction in food intake would typically be considered dangerous; however, proponents of such programs claim that when the dieter takes the hCG supplement, his or her body will utilize stored fat to replace the missing calories.

Before the turn-of-the-century, the only option a dieter had who wanted to follow the hCG program was injections. Although the latter are still used, most people now prefer to take the hormone orally. This is usually done through the use of drops that are placed under the dieter's tongue, from where they are quickly absorbed into the person's bloodstream.

Although virtually all diets have their negative side, hCG programs are not typically risky, as long as the dieter does not follow the plan longer than two weeks. Studies also show that individuals who use drops, rather than injections, have no side effects from the hormone. In addition, the injection method is more costly than the drops in most cases.

Following the program exactly as it is written is very important, regardless of the dieter's objectives. It is never wise to cut calories to 400-500 per day for an extended period of time, or slash calories to that extent without taking the aforementioned supplement. Most experts also recommend consuming a broad range multivitamin when following the diet.

There are numerous hCG programs available from which consumers can choose. Most follow a similar outline, and as one would suspect, they all feature the hormone supplement. Numerous plans include a toll-free number for consumers to call who are concerned about the program or have questions about how to follow it appropriately. Each customer should complete some comparison shopping prior to buying such a diet plan.

All weight loss plans are associated with some side effects. This is why those considering starting a new diet program should first consult their family physician to determine whether or not this is wise. This is especially true for those who suffer from specific health problems.

Additionally, it is never wise to take a dietary supplement unless it is purchased from a reputable source. This is why it is important to buy real hCG supplements from a reliable merchant. Finally, those who experience serious or unusual side effects should immediately cease participation in the diet, stop taking the supplement, and acquire medical advice.

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